Monday, July 18, 2016

Planning Assessments
---Yanhua Wang

Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.
Formative assessment, including diagnostic testing, is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures conducted by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment.formative_wordle_2.jpg
Formative assessments using in this Chinese cultures learning class.
1. Characters and Pinyin Matching Game
The teacher prepared a Characters and Pinyin Matching exercise. Each student is handed out the paper in the class. The first three students who match the Characters and Pinyin correctly win the game.
This exercise can assess how many Characters and Pinyin the students can recognize and and how well they know the meaning of the Characters. The reason to design this part as a game is to activate students’ interest in joining class activities.
2.Interesting and funny little quiz--Playing Kahoot. Students use computers, cell phones, or other devices to join in the game. Student who gets the highest score is the winner.
Kahoot is a simple web tool to brighten and engage the classroom.The quiz generator walks me through a few simple steps to create a quiz.Most importantly, it gives me concrete data and feedback that I can actually use. This game is most suitable for middle or high school students.
3. Oral Presentation. After learning the words and expressions about the Chinese New Year, Students are divided into several groups and asked to make dialogues about what to say when people meet during the Chinese New Year. They have to use all the new words and expressions in the presentation.
It's tough enough for students to present something orally in their own language. They even feel twice as nervous in foreign language classes. Students of foreign languages get a double dose of jitters when they know they have to stand up before a class or even just in front of their teacher to make an oral presentation. But speaking is a very important part of learning language.Through the presentation, I can observe not only how they are doing in speaking, but also how well they have grasped the knowledge in this lesson. A rubric for oral presentation is used as criteria.

1.Formative assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved July 18, 2016, from
2.Formative Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved July 18, 2016, from Assessment

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