Sunday, July 10, 2016

Understanding and Applying Standards
Many teachers help me and give me suggestions in my career, and all of them are helpful. I remember that after observing my lesson, a teacher suggested me to give students objective at the beginning of the class.
In the State I am teaching, there are core standards for world language, and the corresponding subject curriculum is made and issued.
The standards are the guide in directing me to fulfill the curriculum.  My teaching plans have to meet the standards, but I use the standards to help set up learning target and better improve students’ academic improvement.Since the standards are being implemented across the state I can benefit from the work that has already been done in this area.  Although the best understanding comes from doing, these resources will help me get started.
Unpacking a standard help me consider what students need to know and be able to do to demonstrate mastery of the standard.  It not only provides an opportunity for reflection by comparing and contrasting the expectations of a standard with my current curriculum; But also allows for the identification of professional development/ resources needed to implement each standard.
Backward mapping is a new concept for me to prepare lessons. I couldn’t believe it when I was told that backward mapping means the unit begins at the end.I was curious about the way it carries on.  And I find out that by beginning with the end in mind I am able to avoid the common pitfall of planning forward from activity to activity, only to find that some students are prepared for the final assessment while others are not.  Using backward design, teaching for understanding, and requiring students to apply and demonstrate their learning are not new concepts.  
Writing objectives: A learning objective is an explicit statement that clearly expresses what the student will be able to do after taking a course.It benefits students by helping them clarify their personal goals for a course and give them a framework against which to measure their own success.   
According to the-the core standard of world language in Connecticut, students can finally demonstrate an understanding of the tradition of the cultures studies. I design a New Year celebration class for students to better understand the Chinese cultures. I first write the objectives of the lessons. Assessment is also made to make sure that students really understand the essence of the cultures.

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